Hello one and all, hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!I just got back from traveling around in a tow truck....lol!! Too much fun in one day! Our car broke down in the middle of a round about, we lost all power steering so I had to get out and push the car around the corner. A lovely police woman stopped traffic for us and yelled out the window "sorry I can't help you push but I have a broken toe"....just what I needed to hear whilst nearly peeing my pants from pushing the monster of a car......well it felt like a monster! The tow truck driver asked Mum and I if we would like a lift home so we took him up on his offer. As we were climbing up into the cabin he got a call through to go pick a trailer up so we went along for the ride.....he was such a lovely man, real chatty. Told us about his travels around Australia in his caravan, what days he works, who owns the tow truck.....you know, secret men's business....lol! At least we had fun......

Here is my entry into Much Love Monday....

I pretty little art doll faces!!